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I have been shooting front porch photos as part of my home sessions since 2018. Through a partnership with Papasan Realty Group I had the beautiful opportunity to meet lots of lovely folks who had just purchased a home in Austin, Texas. We captured some of their first memories in those homes together and it was an honor for me. I've continued this front yard tradition as part of the home sessions I now offer my clients. During these uncertain times we are spending more time than ever in our homes with our people & pets (or plants, if you're like me). You may be feeling stress & sadness, you may be angry, confused & worried. You may be greatly enjoying the comfort of your home and learning to slow down with those you love. You may feel trapped and alone. Whatever you're feeling, those feelings are important. This time is important. I want to remember this time for all the things it is, the good & the bad. The ways we are helping each other and the ways we are afraid. The messy, the honest, the joy, the love, the tears. Whether you feel like laughing or crying, your story is important. In documenting your story, you are helping me live mine. Lets connect, from a safe distance.

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